Hi everyone! Hope you doing well.

I would like to talk about WEB.

What is the WEB 1.0 ?

➤ An old internet that only allows people to read from the internet.

➤ First stage World wide linking web pages and hyperlink.

➤ Web in use as " information portal".

➤ It uses table to positions and align elements on page.

What is the WEB 2.0 ?

➤  It is the platform that give users the possibility to control their data;

➤  This is about user - generated content and the read-write web;

➤  Everyone can be content producer.

What is the WEB 3.0 ?

➤  Suggested name by J. Markoff of the New York Times for the third-generation of the web;

➤ In this generation, all the application on web or mobile will be upgraded with more features;

➤  It apply same principle as WEB 2.0 

➤ Web 3.0  more connected, open and intelligent, with semantic Web technologies, distributed databases, natural language processing, machine learning and machine reasoning.

Now, the different between WEB 1.0, WEB 2.0 and WEB 3.0


In brief, SL is an appealing virtual environment that enables its residents to achieve many endeavors that are present in real life, which makes SL quite open to integration with various fields as education, foreign language learning. SL is regarded as an intriguing platform for EFL learning for the reason that it is quite promising considering its availability for educational contexts and that it offers a great potential for EFL learners' language practice.


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