
Сообщения за октябрь, 2020
      HELLO! hOw Is YoUr dAy? I have a very interesting question for you.  Have you ever wanted to learn how to create interesting presentations? For me, as a person who is not friendly with a computer, this is a great opportunity 😁😂 I'll tell you everything now.  I found some awesome services and apps for creating and storing presentations! 1.  SlideShare   SlideShare service allows you to send created presentations to the Internet, providing them with public or limited access. The service converts PowerPoint, OpenOffice, Keynote or PDF files to Flash format. It allows you to create brand channels that will store your presentations. This service can save files in PDF format, documents or videos (including YouTube clips embedded in presentations). A significant advantage of the service is that the access and exchange of presentations is quite simple. 2. https://prezi.com/ The ability to collaborate on one presentation in real time.  The ability to insert videos, animated and vect
 Hi everyone! Hope you doing well. I would like to talk about WEB. What is the WEB 1.0 ? ➤ An old internet that only allows people to read from the internet. ➤ First stage World wide linking web pages and hyperlink. ➤ Web in use as " information portal". ➤ It uses table to positions and align elements on page. What is the WEB 2.0 ? ➤    It is the platform that give users the possibility to control their data; ➤  This is about user - generated content and the read-write web; ➤  Everyone can be content producer. What is the WEB 3.0 ? ➤  Suggested name by J. Markoff of the New York Times for the third-generation of the web; ➤ In this generation, all the application on web or mobile will be upgraded with more features; ➤  It apply same principle as WEB 2.0  ➤ Web 3.0  more connected, open and intelligent, with semantic Web technologies, distributed databases, natural language processing, machine learning and machine reasoning. Now, the different between WEB 1.0, WEB 2.0 and WEB
  Hi! How are you doing? Hope, you are well. TODAY we will talk about: CALL & Language Skills 1. Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation 👉 https://www.englishwithjennifer.com/  Here you can find tips on how to improve your pronunciation. 👉 https://ororo.tv/ru Here you can find movies and TV shows in English with a built-in translator. 👉 https://www.mylanguageexchange.com/    This is a social network where you can find a native speaker of any language and communicate with him/her. 2.  Reading and Writing 👉 https://www.er-central.com/ Here you can read, learn some words and listen the text. 3. GRAMMAR 👉  https://www.native-english.ru/grammar Here you can find all sections of grammar. There is a quiz at the end of each topic. HOPE MY RESOURCES CAN BE USEFUL FOR YOU.  GOOD LUCK!
  И так, сегодня мы поговорим о целях и задачах. Мои самые главные цели: 👉 Достигнуть успеха в говорении на английском языке ; 👉 Стать хорошим специальстом. Задачи: ⃝  Развить умение самостоятельно приобретать знания; ⃝   Расширить словарный запас; ⃝   Воспитать в себе потребности к изучению иностранного языка; ⃝   Смотивировать себя на говорение на иностранном языке.